I've been reading the Psalms recently and I've reached Psalm 119. It's the longest chapter and it's proving to be a more difficult read than the other Psalms. In it, King David (as they suspect is the writer), talks on length about God's word. Like how it guides him, how following it has lead to blessings, how it makes him shudder at the thought of not applying it in his life, how it brings him comfort. David does this very poetically, in a giant acrostic. 22 stanzas, one for each letter of the Hebrew alphabet 8 verses each. Each verse starting with the letter per stanza.
So as a way to apply what I'm learning or try to get into that habit, I'm trying it out for my own study. David wrote about God's word but I'm kind of in the phase of my life that seems to be about God's will. So follow along as I attempt my Psalm 119 remix.
I've been trying to write and it's harder than just journaling/prose. The constraints on form and content is a bit challenging and forces you to be more concise and disciplined as you order your thoughts. And I think that's what this exercise is about really getting to the core of what God's will is about, mulling it over until you can articulate it in a certain way.
I'm not as gifted as a writer so I hope you take it easy on me, and I don’t think it'll come as fast, I tried the 1 stanza a verse, kind of not doable at this point but I do hope to finish this little project by the end of the year. Oh, and if you want to contribute/collaborate, that would be cool too.
https://i.pinimg.com/736x/98/49/ba/9849ba2e1e352b7cef4ed5a4b69d045d--handlettering-a-love.jpg 1. Attempting to live this life alone is tiring. It's lonely. It's futile.
2. A better way to do things it is to seek God's plans and follow it.
3. After all is said and done, it's the better way, all the time.
4. Ardently, that's how He was thinking of me when He was planning my life. Same goes for you.
5. And that's why each ordered step is always going to be better than anything we could have ever imagined.
6. Abundant living isn't about the things that you can buy or experiences that you can gain, but knowing that everything that happens is drenched in evidence of His love for us. So i will be excited for how every single day unfolds.
7. At times sad things will happen. Like when people speak harsh word, or an illness or a death, when ends don't meet, when justice seems distant, when others take advantage. But those will pass.
8. Abridged, the plot thickens, but this story, I believe, has a very pleasant ending.