Title: With Apples Characters: Jack, Owen, Gwen. GENfic, can you believe it? Rating: PG-13 for language Spoilers: End of Days Summary: Comfort me with apples, stay me with flagons. (Song of Solomon, 2:5)
Ah damn. Just gorgeous. In my mind this scene is now canon, particularly Jack still being able to feel the warmth from Owen in the chair. Great look at Owen and all the contradictions and complications that make him up. He isn't the easiest person to like, but you can certainly feel for him, particularly the way you write him. Very very well done. Bravo!
I love this - and you're right. Owen looked so thin near the end...when did Burn Gorman loose so much weight?
I especially liked the interaction between Jack and Owen...and the fact that you didn't take the easy road and just write Owen as a cold-hearted bastard!
So, now you have to write more wonderful stories! *g* I have no reasoning for that last, by the way, apart from the fact that this one was so good!
Comments 17
-->A wish that the selfish, calculating Owen had granted because he couldn't bear to watch Gwen suffer.
And I mostly loved it for the apples! =)
I especially liked the interaction between Jack and Owen...and the fact that you didn't take the easy road and just write Owen as a cold-hearted bastard!
So, now you have to write more wonderful stories! *g* I have no reasoning for that last, by the way, apart from the fact that this one was so good!
PS, there's a comm for Torchwood genfic at torchwoodgenfic
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