Gwen and Rhys have a night out. Gwen, as it turns out, is a very bad sport and not the greatest date on earth.
But Rhys doesn't care - he loves his Gwen. Awww.
The first of many WTF moments for Rhys.
Fireball! XL5? What, I'm old, get over it.
Okay, that? Kinda cool.
Gwen is impressed at how much tech an SUV can hold.
The "amateurs" have already arrived.
Jack looks less convinced talking about Gwen's curves than about how good Ianto looks in a suit.
Gwen: eyeroll.
Awwww, he holds her hand while they walk down to the big alien thingummy. What a gentleman.
Owen taunts the new girl. Big mistake, Owen.
'Cause this one can fight back. "Too bad your tool's not big enough for the job."
Jack: "Gwen said tool. Heh heh heh."
Gwen's throw manages to put a chisel through an alien rock that survived entry into the atmosphere. Sign her up for the Red Sox, stat!
Meet Carys. Her boyfriend ditched her and now she's having the worst case of gas on record.
However, that does not stop her from finding a Random Guy With Target On Forehead.
Turns out that Quickie McQuickerson is more useful after than during.
Meanwhile, back at the Hub, Gwen is really sorry. Really really sorry about letting the gas loose.
'Cause gas never did anyone any harm. Low blow, Owen.
Jack: eyeroll.
Hi, Ianto! Nice to see you. Give us a reading and go do...whatever it is you do.
Hi, PC Andy! Gwen's the boss of you now, dude.
Skeevy Club Manager watches CCTV of the bathroom. Ewww.
Jack needs to see the footage. For research, dontcha know.
Jack: "He just came...and went." No, really, that's the actual dialogue.
Owen: "He said came, heh heh heh."
Jack and Gwen argue about procedure. Again.
Carys is feeling a little down this morning. Dad brings her some burnt toast. Love ya, Dad.
Jack checks the polarity of the neutron flow trajectory of the alien rock.
Upon finding out that Gwen has a boyfriend, Owen finds his true calling in life: torturing people in happy relationships. This becomes, if not important, somewhat ironic.
Carys' shower is, mercifully, not accompanied by screeching violins and/or the entrance of Anthony Perkins in drag.
Gwen is worried about civil liberties.
Jack is worried that Ianto may have switched them to decaf.
Ianto can use his eyes. How nice for him. Wave goodbye to Ianto, because he won't be back until next week.
Is this what they mean by tracking a package?
Jack hates telling men to put on their trousers and get out. Okay, TMI, there, boss.
Is that a portable cell in your pocket, Owen, or are you just glad to see me? (Porta-cell is IMPORTANT.)
Gwen's first contact with an alien is not quite what she expected. Thank God she didn't direct E.T.
Keep those hands where we can see 'em, Owen.
Awwww, Owen shares his treats!
Rhys is doing the dishes while Gwen is doing Carys her job.
Gwen doesn't appreciate Owen's assessment of her interrogation techniques.
"Technically, throttling the staff is MY job." Best. Line. Ever.
Everybody Dim Sum tonight!
Owen and Tosh have been ready to pounce.
Ianto doesn't care if Jack is gay. ::sniff sniff:: I smell pants on fire.
Daytime TV in the Hub is just as bad as everywhere else.
Gwen is a Sad Profiler.
Jack thinks she's brilliant. Awww, Jack, bless.
"I sort of...snogged her." "We know."
Okay. Well. Isn't this special?
"Are you all right, or are you still feeling a bit of a cock?" GO GWEN!
Jack and Carys decide on weapons for the rumble.
"Talk to the hand, beeyotch!"
I hold your hand in mine, dear...
It's time to watch Mr. Owen's Science Show!
"This is your rat."
"This is your rat on gas. Any questions?"
Rat jam! Bet you won't be smiling when Ianto finds out what he has to clean up.
Memo to Tosh's ex-boyfriends. Be nicer to her, 'kay?
Carys' revenge seems perfectly justified to me.
The guy was just dirt to begin with.
How come Owen knows that the "Conway Clinic" is a sperm bank? Does he have an account there?
Talk about taking a guy out of the moment...
Jack's so good that Carys gets pre-glow. (Also, BG's butt is very nice.)
Pink gas. Awww, how cute.
And we see the Port-o-cell again!
Gwen is grateful.
Jack: You know, this kissing girls thing is kinda fun.
Jack wants Gwen to be normal. He should've thought about that before talking her into working in a dungeon.
Gwen is drinking and ignoring Rhys. Sigh.
Rhys isn't even the first guy she's kissed tonight...poor, poor Rhys. He really IS a special ops widow. And this is IMPORTANT.
Here endeth the picspam.