Qui non est hodie cras minus aptus erit

Jul 05, 2009 17:40

Have just returned from a wonderful 3 hour walk in the Winter sunshine. I nosed around the park, looking for a spot of colour to photograph. At this time of year, native flora are fairly dormant. The banksias are finishing, gum flowers have gone but there are still one or two species that put on a show, particularly the wattle.

These are especially for britalone  and
pele_incognita , who have both been through the wars lately. I am thinking of you both and hoping you feel better soon. (Click on these twice to see them full size).

Golden wattle with a little visitor.

Verticordia Grandis


A wollemi (last syllable is pronounced "my")  pine. Thought to be extinct for millions of years (no I am not joking, millions - it is part of the fossil record), a small stand of these trees was found in a hidden valley outside of Sydney in 1994. It has been painstakingly propagated and this one sits in Kings Park.  Another natural wonder like the boab tree and the huon pine.
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