Oct 26, 2005 08:46
So, the night before last I come into my room at 11 pm after the library has closed, completely exhausted and my roomate tells me she and Will (he's just a friend, madly in love with her for some unknown reason, but still just a friend) are going to have a movie night. I guess I look like I'm about ready to cry cause then she says its okay they'll just do it another time. The night before they had a movie night in my room that was supposed to start at 10:30 (according to one of my suitmates who was acctually invited) so, I got back form the library at midnight and the movie was still going on, not unexpected, however the same suitmate said it was supposed to be in her room, not mine. Anyway, so I stay in there and watch the movie thinking I'm watching the last few minutes or so. Anyway, it goes until 1:15, whe everyone but Will (who really is a nice guy by the way) leave. He and my roomate procede to lie on her bed (maybe a reason he likes her) and whisper, unfortuantly I can hear them so after 15 mn I ask them very politely to either shut up or leave (not my wording but you get the ultimatum). Anyway, yesterday, after the near tears/ revoking of movie night thing, I roll out of bed at 8:20, later then I had wanted and Emily, my roomate/ex-roomate proceds to tell me that she thinks we should switch roomates with some of our suitmates. She says she's doing this for me, cause I'm not happy, and she wants us to part on good terms. Now the only true problem with this is who gets to keep the room, (ours is a few feet bigger, however with college a few feet goes along way). She thinks she should keep it cause she put in the carpet and it would be a pain to move, however if a couple were to wake up one morning and one looked at the other and said "I think we should get a divorce, I'm saying this now because I want us to remain friends and I want you to move out" people would not think it unreasonable for the spouse GIVEN the ultimatum to keep the house and the other person move. Oh, no, of course not this time. I have kinda agreed to move to the smaller room however nothing's offical until my stuff is out of my old room. Our RA has tried to remain impartial however she's best friends with the girl Emily wants to room with.
Sorry for the vent, must leave or I'll be late to philosophy, i truely hate that class.