Dec 11, 2008 19:29
Yeah so it's been forever and more since I've posted on my lj. So randomly this morning I had a super bleeped up stress dream. Lets just say somehow I was finding skin I had necrosis from bites from a recluse spider and then somehow as I removed my clothing for a doctor to check it up I was finding more and more areas majorly affected by said bites....aka messed up crap.
It's all due to my upcoming surgery tomorrow. -_-;;; My wrists have been acting up majorly for the past year and a half to where hand sewing is a major pain in the ass, and something I like to pass on all together. Yay to carpel tunnel surgery on both wrists. Mind you in my dream I first caught the necrosis on the inside of my wrists...*coughs* Anyway should be interesting attending Onicon in braces cuz I can't remove them until 2 weeks after my surgery. But, yay for extended vacation I didn't originally plan. Well at least my insurance covers it all. So Onicon will be super relaxed cosplay wise from me. Although I'm hoping to have at least one thing new. Wrist braces or not.
Can't wait to see everyone!