Feb 20, 2008 21:11

a) What issues/topic interests you most--non-fiction, i.e, cooking, knitting, stitching, etc?

Fiction, Fantasy, Romance, Erotica, Occult/Horror

b) Would you like to review books concerning those?

I don't think I have the vocabulary or the attention span.

c) Would you like to be paid or do it as interest or hobby? Tell reasons for what ever you choose.

Sure, why not. It's being paid to read books and say what I think about them right? Sweet gig.

d) Would you recommend those to your friends and how?

I'd be like "I read the CRAZIEST story about vampires doin' it in the butt..."

e) If you have already done something like this, link it to your post.


f) Please don't forget to link back here or whoever tags you.

Uh...I fail at linking on LJ. T__T

And to get this meme moving, you have to tag 10 people. I tag:

*flails* WHOEVER. DO IT.


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