Aug 12, 2006 21:50
Okay, first of all, everyone needs to go to babygomamon's journal and watch her AMV Montage. I swear, I almost lost it at the Big O clip. :D
So! I had the day off today. Barely. Why? Because I was almost called in this morning. Amanda called and asked if I could work from 9-3 because one of the girls decided to call out because 'she was in a car accident' which didn't click right with Amanda. Unfortunatly, I couldn't. No, not really unfortunatly. I told her sorry, but no. I had plans. She understood. :D
I went with my mom (GASP!) to Lancaster today. Specifically the outlets. Got much swag and I am happy.
But! But!
I can't really belive this happened, but it DID.
I went into an outlet store called Lane Bryant. For those that don't know, it caters to plus sized women. I am one at a size 14. So I go in there, and browse around. And I walk by these two ladies who work there and immediatly afterwards here "...What is SHE doing in HERE?" "I know! She's like a size 8!"
...They were talking about ME.
I got called too skinny by fat girls! OH. My. God.
I can NOT get over that! D:
In other news, I had thai for lunch and it was good, and now I'm going to eat some GingerMen (Peppridge Farms! Yum!) and icy cold milk.
Later, Bitches.
Edit: BY THE WAY. Ks picked up a cd by Blue Man Group. Has a lot of compilations and is AMAZING. I'm addicted to it.
Favorite Song: Up on the roof.