Jun 20, 2009 02:33
So what pushed me to write on my LJ again? Well, i'm already on holidays =D and i decided that as i have that much time to waste i...
no, just kidding T___________________________T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is because i'm supposed to be working on my linguistics project and i still haven't done a thing! i can't even choose the title u.u! It's not that i don't like it, in fact i love it, but the uni's been sooo bloody stressful this semester that i don't think i have any neuron left u.u.
I borrowed some books from the uni's library to read more about Sociolinguistcs ('coz at least i know that's the topic i want to work on) and find out more about how age and gender may affect the teaching and learning of English in a Chilean educational context (sounds weird when i read it xD). However, and as i don't want to copy any other work that has been done already, i've decided to focus on the beliefs and attitudes of students of 8th grade (if possible) but from different socio-economical context (hey i'm working under a SOCIOlinguistic point of view), and infere (??) how their perspective about English lessons changes (somehow) the curricula, 'coz teachers would have to adapt in certain way the contents so it may be interesting for the students, right?.
I was recomended, also, to look for the BALLI study which focuses on the beliefs students have when learning a new language. And that's what i've been doing so far u_u. Unfortunately the only thing i have found are more and more studies that use BALLI, BUT i can't find that bloody balli thing yet ¬¬.
It's almost 3 o'clok a.m (actually it's ten minutes to 3 =P) and i began to feel frustated u.ú. I'll continue looking for that thing (¬¬) and if i can't find it, then i'll have to ask my teacher if he has it =/ (i just don't want him to hate me ToT!)
Well that'd be it, i totally got lost now xD, dunno what i was writing or thinking @__@!! and read the whole text again is completely out of question >_