Dec 07, 2004 21:18
I woke up this morning sooo happy for the day!
I straightend my hair, did that jazz, then we left.(little did I know That was a bad idea, my hair was sopping wet, but i looked so ghetto with that hat on!!) I was true gannnngstaa oooowwEE
We went to the train station and met up with the class and what not.
Got on the train and went downtown.
In the train station Dave decided that he didnt want to get his ass beat so he gave me his gang hat and told me to watch out for I might get a cap busted on my ass. Okay not those words but close enough.
Then we left IN THE POORING RAIN and we had to walk over a bridge. Worst part of the day. I was with Russ and I think he wanted me dead. what a dick lick. Jokes. We went to Millenium (sp?) park and it was pretty cool. Once again I was with Russ. He was my buddy of the day. Him and my mother. How cute. then we went to the art place and none of the stuff we were supposed to find was there. BUmmer I guess. haha And on the way home Russ asked me to marry him, and we played in puddles, and had the time of my life in Chicago. I love the city! I reallllly do!!
Oh and in the art place there were boys in tight pants!! ow owwwwww
On the way home, Luke Dave and me took these boy DS things and were chatting. What a fun time. They talked about doing eachother and me up the ass. It cracked me up.
Even though they weren't my closest friends its cool that I went with them downtown. I had a funn day.
My mom doesn't want me there without her though. how lame. Oh well.
On Friday we have to babysit for Laurens stupid brother, not the cute one.
Saturday we're going to Arlington Heights! YAY AH!!
Welllll nothing much more to say<3