Left of centre.

Dec 01, 2006 15:31

There's this amazing sense of calm that comes when the world settles after it rains and the sun starts shining through. At this time of year, the smell of summer after a storm is gone, but the mood's still there. Everything just seems still - refreshed even.

It seems as if the sun hasn't come out in weeks.

And as I watched the sky, I noticed the smoke billowing out of a factory's pipes. If you look hard enough, you can see the yellow-orange tinge of toxins lining the smoke. I couldn't help but think to myself, "We're dying." I'm just wandering through my thoughts and washing in this literary shower that comes over me while I'm in the midst of a worthwhile book - in essence, my nonexistance. It's easy to forget that this way that the world is living, it's going to end up killing me. Everyone. Eventually. Maybe.

It's said that we can't be absolutely certain of anything.
...but what's one thing you are sure of?
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