Nov 01, 2005 15:50
i got used to waking up on saturday and sunday mornings next to his funny face...I REALLY DON'T KNOW WHY I'M TAKING THIS SO HARD....and it sure as hell ain't fair that i feel this sad and he doesn' i wonder if he really is sad...or if he's trying to be the nice will he miss me? I honestly don't know...i just wish i didn't have to do this anymore...someday i hope to be in a relationship that will last longer than a tic tac...i honestly don't know where i go first i wasn't sure about whether or not i wanted to get into a relationship with him...then i just like fell for him...and like always i fell too hard way too fast...but i can't stop myself...i still believe in love even though it doesn't seem to believe in me...but turns out cute boy from the i.t department in stafford is single and my friend shawn happens to be friends with him so um yeah keep your fingers crossed...