
Feb 04, 2005 08:29


My math teacher is completely moronic.

Alrighty, Annie and I had told my mother that we were going to her little "math help sessions" on Fridays. But we really weren't, for two reasons:
1) They are not helpful.
2) My teacher is a secret rapist with three testicles.

So yeah, they ended up finind out we're not going... which isn't really thr bad part.

So, Annie and I go to the thing on Wednesday, and she goes, "Well... Glad to see you girls here on Wednesdays insted of Fridays. We got all of that sorted out?" That was rude.

So, yesterday in class, she goes, "Yes, we'll be having a special help session [wtf?] on Friday tomorrow. I will be seinding home e-mails to tell your parents.. [looks...well, glares, at me] in case they wont believe you."


Well, anyway.

I'm rinding the bus home with Mary. Carly's coming too. :P

I'll be back.. some time Saturday. XD

Then I can get online all weekend :O.

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