Oct 29, 2010 21:51
I recently closed my deviantArt.com account, and I explained why in a journal on there but I wanted to say more about it, but not on the website.
It's one of those sites that becomes slightly pointless if you're not particularly active, which is my main reason for getting fed up and leaving.
But also... I've spent a long period of time really disliking the website, everything it stood for, and the sorts of people and 'art' on the website. It really started to get on my nerves, and when I say 'started', I mean for several years.
I'd been at DA since 2004, which is a little while before all the dollers migrated over there and they made a whole dolls section, etc. I sort of enjoyed it for a while, it was a good place for me to post my illustration work and keep it seperate from dolls. I also found a load of other Disney fans and liked looking at their artwork.
But over the last few years I've started to really dislike the site. The whole site, for me, can be summed up in one word: 'Petty'.
Everything about it seems petty... arguments about stuff the website owners do or don't do, endless rants about the same things over and over again, theft, more theft, more petty shite. I just kept getting the worst vibe from the place.
I figured you have to be choosy about where you put yourself on the internet, and just because you've always been somewhere, doesn't mean you always have to be there, or because everyone else is there, you also have to be there. I also want to keep my artwork on my website, otherwise it's kind of just like having two websites... you may as well just have one.
I know Livejournal also has a reputation for being rather petty and argumentative, but I just like having somewhere to write. If I get fed up of that, I'll get out of here too ;) haha!