Apr 28, 2006 14:29
I. Introduction
-thesis: Forms of torture affected the accused not only physically, but also mentally and emotionally
II. Overview of witches (theory)
a. Ways in which females were viewed in society
b. Control of men over women (why they took pleasure in torturing them)
c. Conversions with the devil indicated promiscuous behavior.
d. Sexual twist on torture
e. Interrogated many times
IV. Types of Torture
a. Torture when found Devil’s teat
1. Chief proof of witchcraft
2. English were especially good in finding teat
3. Devil’s teat is based on the female function of providing breast milk
4. teat could be found anywhere, mostly common on the females “secret parts”
5. Fanatical witch hunters would not take childbearing or hemorrhoids as an excuse for the marks
6. women were tortured for being accused of teat in many ways
- Physically: tortured by the internal examinations of the vagina and breasts; pricker stabbed teat for feeling and exposure of blood. If they could feel it and there was blood than the woman was said to be innocent.
- Mentally and emotionally: mostly humiliation- examined by unfamiliar men; stripped to waist, usually in front of a crowd, blind folded; all blood was contracted to one part of the body and then run a pin into that section. feelings of violation and isolation
7. Rape-like atmosphere
8. Talk about painting and compare
b. Whippings
1. must be stripped to waist
2. breasts exposed to the public
3. with whipping, the use of pincers was used
- priest who applied hot fat repeatedly to victims eyes, armpits, pit of stomach, thighs, elbows, and vagina
4. Case of Catherine Boyrainne
c. Rape
1. Often occurred in jail
2. not a formal form of torture; officials mutilated prisoner
3. many let themselves be raped, or gave sexual favors to get out of torture. (mental and emotionally)
4. story of young girl ( raped twice) (physically almost died)
d. Strappado
e. Drowned
1. example of mother who was suspected of killing her child (mental and emotional
2. Her punishment was to be beheaded
f. Burned alive
1. hesitant to say it was torture due to the fact that the victims did not live through it
2. “ultimate form of torture”- Anna Barstow
3. horrifying symbol of men’s power over women
4. public execution
5. ritual meaning, declared the land was rid of demonic enemies and that not a trace of their hated presence remained.
6. ashes of the burned witch would be thrown into the wind or scattered over moving water.
7. example: case of the mother with breasts cut off (form of torture: breasts sensitive, family had to eat it hence emotional and mental)
8. Example in “Primary source”
g. Ways of getting out of torture
1. suicide
2. sexual favors
3. confessions immediately
4. examples
h. Felonies the victims were said to commit
1. causing milk to become sticky
2. murder