Dec 25, 2003 14:45
So Merry Christmas everyone, we just got done with all of the festivities that is until ultimate game night challenge dinner later tonight!! It was a really great Christmas I was unsure about coming here I dunno I wanted to stay at home with pals, but I am so glad that I ended up coming cause Christmas with family is key! My family is the greatest, Katie and Kelly my little cousins are so cute they are getting so old, 8 and 12 now and it is so fun to watch them grow up and learn about life, Katie has been begging her mom to shave her legs and she has finally won the battle and adores her smooth legs. She also fears the dreded period and asked me many questions about it! I crimp and curl their hair take them shopping it is so much fun because they think I am cooler than I am just because I am old and wear makeup!! Plus they are hillarious!! They have to be to be the daughter of my aunt Maggie who makes me pee myself you guys would love her! so yeah good times with fam last night at church, it was the funniest christmas mass ever, my mom started the clap and had the whole shurch clapping for the sax player who looked like Jesus, also it is a kids mass so there is a reinactment of the Christmas story and a little choir of geeky children singing, at the point in mass of the breaking of bread the priest invites all of the small children he said sith grade and under to the alter, I dared my brother to go and he did it may not sound funny but if you were there you would have died, I was crying, all of these tiny kids and then my brother all tall and old standing there in front of everyone it made my night!! Then all of my cousins and I slept together on my aunts floor which is tradition even though I am 19 now and my cousin bobby is 20 which scares me because it seems so old and I don't wanna grow up! We woke up at 7 because kelly couldn't stand the wait, and now all of the present opening has come to an end! So I hope all of you also had great Christmas' and know that I am thinking about all of ya, and miss ya, and love ya!! I can't wait till NewYears!! So check ya later and I will be home on Sat!! Love to you all!!