Aug 12, 2006 21:53
Please post with a recent reflection, thought, question, or comment. It can relate to my own, to paradoxes in general, or it can be completely different.
"My power is made perfect in weakness." (2 Cor 12:9)
This is a very deep and yet not (hence the paradox...) idea (or whatever it is this might be called... concept, theory, thought). The statement of Christ implies that due to and in spite of and because of our own shortcomings, the glory and power of Christ is magnified and made more complete (perfect). When we cannot be all that He is, our failures can only allow us to point to His ability to be everything in the right and whole and complete and perfect way. So when I am weak, He is strong - when I can't be what I and others may build myself up to be, I can say that I am made in such a way as to do what I can and that all other imperfections show that I am only human and a dim reflection of Him whom I am made in likeness. May I glorify Christ and His wholly holiness when I cannot measure up to them.