Nov 10, 2004 21:23
god i haven't had anytime to write in this....but about that date i was telling you about....where do I start....i ahve no we got 2nd place at pacific grove so that was awesome but then we were on our way to Monterey bay for a couple hours and we got there and josh wasn't talking to me really and wasn't really in a very good mood...he sat next to me during dinner, but he wasn't talkin, and practiallcy ignoring and i asekd him what was wrong adnhe told me that he was i was liek what the fuck...i thought this was suppose to be date, and to tell you the truth i have never had anyone treat me the way that he did.
i left bubba gumps and out of no where just started bawling.....i went down to the beach after like 1/2 an hour and then he walks over and tells me that we should jus tbe friends and that he felt pressured to ask me out because of the color guard...but that really isn't the reason that i am soooo's that when i went onto the bus to leave and go home, soemone asked him how it if tghey already knew....befor ei did. I mean really, that pisseed me off and hurt me soo bad, the fact that he told people BEFORE me, that he didn't like me like that...i mean OUCH! That hurt and then to realize that he told me we were going on a date and ten to treat me like i wasn't even there, what hte fuck? I mean i didn't know i deserved to get treated liek that and know we can't even talk like we used to becaus ei can't get over what he did to me....i think our fuckin frendship is fucking fucked know.....and that makes me soooo sad....cause we had something going....we had an awesome freindship.....but whatever...cause if he won't try or act like a normal friend....then why should I???