Hard work

Dec 30, 2012 14:21

I am trying to stay focused, but it's hard work.

I've done it again -- let my life get all emptied out. I don't know if I'll ever know why it's so easy for me to forget how to be a person by myself.

My Fiancee is in VT for the holiday, and then New York till the fifth... I'm in Boston by myself for a week and a half. It's in relative isolation that I realize that for the last year or more I've been living in the same pattern -- If she is home, I spend time with her. If she's not home, or if she's unavailable, I wait until she is home/available.

Well, a week and a half by myself, and two days in I am beginning to confront the problem. I have a lot of practice tackling this, and it's really not that scary anymore. I have set a few goals for myself, harkening back to my Gaming days for some motivation.

1. Take Charge of Your Sleep!

Get up Thirty days in a row when your alarm goes off. Tip! Set realistic timeframes, to complete this quest.

Current Streak: 0

Reward: A $150 shot into the tool budget.

2. Read a Book! Read a Book! Read a God-Damned Book!

Reading books always makes you feel smarter and more alive. Spending an Hour a day reading is much more productive than spending an hour a day snoozing your alarm!

Books Read:

Achievement based.

3. Green Carpenter Needs Food!

Nothing is better for your Energy level than eating breakfast every day, at home. When you get the protein you need in the morning for that boost, you're a happier dude.

Achievement based.
Current Tally: 1

Reward every 7 days.
Reward: ????

4. Is Anyone Still Here?

In the past, when your life has become a little bit empty, you have found that the people who used to love and support you still want to. They don't find your absence insulting, just saddening sometimes.

Reconnect with five old friends:







A slice of Pizza with Jonathan.

Wish me Luck.
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