Change is inevitable...

May 16, 2005 00:51

Everything is changing. My friends are graduating tomorrow morning and I am moving out of my apartment for the summer soon. I will be going back to NH for a couple of weeks but even that will be different. I haven't been home for any length of time since winter break and even then I wasn't really around. Everyone is off doing their own thing and leading their own lives and when I go back to NH it's like time stands still. I used to spend all of my time at home with Nicole but now we both have our seperate lives and are busy so who knows if we will even see each other. Most people have left Boston for the summer so the time that I am still here will be weird. I remember Becca saying something last summer that I had forgotten until just now. She talked about certain times in our lives ending and knowing that it changed your life. This semester has definitely been one of those times. Not only am I going to be a senior next year and most of the people that I have spent the past two years working with and getting to know but this semester has taught me a lot about myself. Working so many shows taught me that even though I was stressed and crazy I couldn't be happy doing anything but theater. I am much more confidant in myself after this year and really do know that I am good at what I do even if I do doubt it sometimes. I have made friendships this semester that I hope to have for a very long time. It makes me sad that my best friends are graduating but I know that this isn't the end. I am in a liminal period, as Jackie would say. Everything is changing and starting new. I am going back to Ogunquit in a couple of weeks and that makes me really happy. I miss it up there. I know that once I am there I will miss Boston but Ogunquit is amazing. Being able to spend time with Becca again and living with her will be great. No more hallway and no more Ryan House :) The next couple of weeks may be kind of strange but it will be nice to have a break. Now it's 2am and I should go to bed. Sweet Dreams.
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