
Jan 09, 2010 15:24

i just realized most of last year's posts fit onto one page, and half of them had no pictures. going to do better this year.

starting with this:

linked the archive--only 5 pages up so far. i'm not writing this (jesse bausch is), but i've gotten the pages to the point where i can finish one in a day, pencils and inks. it's the junkfood i treat myself to after wearing myself out on proper work.

have other things in the works, but so far it's all taking a backseat to real life. we have a house now; a fixer upper so cute and sad that it demands most of my time. scraping by on bills, and still unable to find proper work to help with them. still, 2009 was good, and 2010 looks like it could be even better. cheers and crossed fingers!
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