(no subject)

Feb 14, 2006 12:23

The Bull sh*t

Status: in a relashionship
smoke: no
drink: sometimes
drugs: no
sex: yes
rock or rap: rap
color: pink

Your Other Half
Favorite memory: meeting him
something sweet: walkin on the beach together
weirdest place you done it with them: umm lemme think...the river
craziest thing you ever done: haha ill keep that a secret
got trashed w/ them: yeah
skinny dipped: No
made love in water: yeah
body paint: no
something stupid you did: I don't remember.
something stupid you wanna do: Not sure.

If you died
where: home
how: in my sleep
anything else?:

More Crap
how many kids do you want?: two
girl names: hallie
boy names: jayden

how many pets do you have?: 0
Pet Names?:

Write what you think...
Color: pink
Babies: cute
coffee: hot
coke: drugs
ice cream: yum
plants: roses
road cone: orange
webcam: stupid
Army: Navy
water: blue
fishing: fishes
movies:the mall
clothes: on

been there?: yes
heart broke?: yes
who do you love: Randel
who do you want: Randel
would you do anything for that person: yeah
whats the worst thing they could do to you: cheat on me
whats the best thing they could do to you: be honest
could you see youself with them for the rest of your fu*king life?: yes
when you think of them what do you think?: hes the love of my life
pet names?: none
whats the kinkiest thing you have done with that person?: none of your business
do you have a fetish that other people might think is weird?: no
sloppy or rough?: depends
handcuffs or rope?: handcuffs if i had to choose. haha.
oil or hot wax?: hot wax for my eyebrows
silk or cotton?: silk
soft or hardcore?: depends
bondage?: no
movies or mags?: mags
video camera or webcam?: video
swing?: maybe
condoms?: i dont use um
Loud or quite?: loud
longest time?: um donno
shortest time?: About 5 minutes.
weirdest place you ever....: in the river
long or short? hmm i dont care
toys or no toys?: usually no toys

Crap about me ...
height: 5'4"
weight: Usually about 120
eyes: 2 of them. And they're Blue.
hair: Blonde
percings: ears and bellybutton
tats: none
wish i had never done: smoke. but sometimes not
something i want to do: go to sleep
where i wanna end up?: financially stable and happy
what i wanna be when i grow up: pediatrican
degrees: ?
down to earth or out there?: down to earth
addictions: alcohol sometimes and FOOD
tv show: laguna beach
movie: the notebook
fast food: ?
home cooked: yum
favorite brand of cigarette: newport
favorite brand of clothes: american eagle
favorite drink: sweet tea
one thing that annoys me most: ignorance and immaturity
favorite game: umm twister?
favorite ice cream: vanilla prolly
favorite thing: being with randel
vampires or warewolfs: neither ugh
city or country?: city prolly
queen bed or full bed: Queen
your dream house: on a lot of acres, in the middle of the country
favorite candy: twix

friend: elizabeth
lover: randel
pet: none
cookies: white chochalate
song: i dont know
stuffed animal: my teddy bear sue

The Ending
pens or pencils: pens
tea?: yes
you would never?: cheat on randel
ok enough of this crap.....yes or no: yeah
email addy: no
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