well i am bored sittin in class.
my back hurts.
we get to work on our powerpoint next pd, sucks cuz sarah has iss today.
i am hungry. i finally wore my hair up.
i wanna cut it.
elizabeth, what about that blue bird huh? hehehe.
i thought we had a assembly today, but guess not.
didnt wanna go anyways....
alright time for a survey.
love to randel.
Friends 1-10 should be YOUR gender
1: sarah
2: lizzy
3: angie
4: mallory
5: whitney
6: jordi
7: ashley
8: martha
9: nicole
10: erica
Friends 11-20 should be OPPOSITE of ur gender
11: randel
12: izzy
13: justin
14: stephen
15: matthew
16: ronald
17: cody
18: josh
19: john
20: blake
Dont change the order!!
would these people make a good couple.....
1 and 16: um i dont think so
2 and 11: maybe so?
4 and 14: na
8 and 12: nope
9 and 13: nooo
6 and 14: nope
5 and 15: na they dont click
7 and 19: nope!
random questions
have u ever been to 3's house?: yeah
do u ever talk on the phone with 11?: every night and every day
would u ever go out with 15?: no
have u ever hugged 14?: yes
when did u meet 20?: a year or so ago
has 5 been to your house before?: my old one
have u been to 9's house?: no
how many classes do you have with 1 and 2?: one
do 18 and 4 know each other?: yep
does 3 have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: yep,mike
does 7 have a crush?: her bf, zack
have u ever had a crush on 11, 16, or 18?: all three of um, but i love 11.
have u ever hugged 20?: no
do u chat on im with 6?: every now and then
are 1 and 2 your best friends?: pretty much
how often do u hang out with 8 and 10 outside of school?: hardly never
does 4 like 19?: they are friends i think
what is 17's favorite color?: red
how tall is 6?: pretty tall
is 15 kute?: hes ok
do u have a crush on any of these people?: i am in love with one of them
what is 9's favorite sport?: idk
how long have u known 3?: since about 10th grade
how did u meet 5?: from her brother
are 7 and 18 friends?: yeah pretty much
have u ever gone out with any of these peeps?: yeah
have u kissed 15?: no
has 12 ever had a party?: prolly
when is 11's birthday?: 2-10
describe 13: my "brother"
is 14 hot or good looking or whatever?: hes alright
does 16 get good grades?:maybe?
is 19 a funny person?: ya
is 1 a weird person?: she can scare me sometimes lol.
how often do u see 3?: every day in 2nd period
what classes do u have with 7?: marketing
does 5 play any sports?: nope
if so, what r they?: n/a
would u ever get in a fight with 10?: no cuz i love her
how old is 4?: 16
and finally....do u love all of these people?: yesssss!