my saturday night

Feb 25, 2006 23:53

i just wanted to let everyone know i deleted my myspace for good this time. there is no use for it, theres too much bullshit and i aint got time for it anymore...sorry.

randel and i went to the monster trucks tonight and there was 345983746426987433496 people was soooooo good though, we enjoyed ourselves for free too!
& we beat all the traffic leaving, ah ha.

pineapple fantas are good.
i hate people who drive like maniacs on 95 too. ugh, dumb asses.
i hate rain.

alrighty well church tomorrow so night night.

love to randel.

my girl, where ya been all day?

[Name]: Megan Kayla Loper
[Name Backwards]: nagem alyak repol
[Does your name mean anything]: umm i think gracious or something
[Where you named after anyone]: dont think so
[Nickname(s)]: meg-pie, meg, may-may, barbie, slim
[Date of Birth]: January 14, 1988
[Current Location]: my house, my room....
[Height]: 5'4
[Shoe Size]: 9
[Hair Color]: blonde
[Eye Color]: Blue
[Innie or Outie]: innie
[Righty, Lefty, or Ambidextrous]: righty
[Gay, Straight, Bi, or Other]: straight

[Any Sisters?]: no
[Any Brother? yeah
[Any Diseases]: nope!
[A Pager]: no.. who has pagers anymore
[A Personal Phone Number]: yep
[A Leather Jacket With Studs on It]: noppe
[A Heroin Needle?]: na
[A Pool or Hot Tub]:nope
[A Car]: yep

[Personality]: outgoing, funny, sweet when i wanna be, down to earth
[Driving]: i have road rage, i HATE slow drivers
[Car or one you want]: um a range rover or escalade
[Shoes]: cant describe all of them
[Room]: cute and fun to be in
[School]: lame
[Bed]: queen size and comfortable
[Relationship with your parents]: its ok every now and then, sometimes better tan others

[Like to Drive?]: yeah pretty much
[Get Motion Sickness]: nope
[Eat Chicken Fingers with a fork]: na
[Dream in color]: i think?
[Type with your fingers on home row]: pretty much
[Sleep with a stuffed animal]: yeah
[Believe in yourself]: usually
[Believe in LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT]: yeah i do

[Right next to you]: my phone, lamp, drink, purse
[On the walls of your room]: pictures and cute stuff
[Your Dream Car]: black range rover or escalade
[Your Dream Honeymoon Spot]: somewhere away and peaceful and beautiful
[Your Bedtime?]: when i get there
[Under your bed]: um something to go on my wall i think
[Your Bad Time of the Day]: morning prolly
[Your worst fears]: spiders, cops, getting hurt, losing someone i love
[The Time] 12:02 am
[The Date]: Feb. 25
[Your funniest experience]: umm theres too many to name
[The Sillyest Thing Youve ever said]: i dont know
[Best Feeling in the World]: loving someone so much and them feeling the same way about me

[When was the last time you..]
Smiled : um about 30 min ago
Cried :last night
Bought something : last night
Danced: in jacksonville
Were sarcastic : tonight
Kissed someone : tonight
Talked to an ex : omg its been forever!
Watched your favorite movie : umm a month or so

Had a nightmare : like 2 nights ago
Were lulled to sleep by the thought of someone : whats that mean

[ A Last time for everything.. ]
Last book you read : in class
Last movie you saw : the man
Last song you heard: im in love with a stripper
Last thing you had to drink : pineapple fanta
Last time you showered: morning
Last thing you ate : salt and vinegar chips

[ Other ]
Favorite band ever: rascall flatts
Most listened to bands :jeezy, d4l, kenny, rascall flatts, destinys child
Do you find any musicians good-looking : yeah
Can you play an instrument : not anymore
Type of music listened to : rappp and country
Type never listened to : opera

[ General Questions ]
Whom do you believe is the smartest man alive at the moment : God
What do you prefer, a sunny or rainy day : sunny unless i wanna sleep all day
Do you consider yourself lucky : ha yeahh usually

Do you feel pity for people who commit suicide: yeah i do
Choose one word to describe how you feel most often: happy

[ Stuff ]
Do you own any plaid clothing : prob

Do you own Converse shoes : nope
Do you own Saucony shoes : no
Do you own old school Nikes : na

Do you wear tight pants : haha yeah
Is there more than one zipper in your pants : um no
Do you know what a squatter flap is : no idea

[ Habits/Beliefs ]
Are you disgruntled (having a general hate for everything) : na
Are you an anarchist : i dono what that is
Does the American flag anger you : its stars and stripes, what to be angry at?
Are you "working class" : ehhhh no?
Do you dislike "preps" : nope
Do you dislike Hot Topic : na
Do you smoke cigarettes : not all the time
Do you smoke cloves : whats cloves?
Are you a thin waif : i donno?
Are you a vegetarian?: na
Do you think meat is murder : nope

Do your nighttime activities usually involve drunken underage vomiting : well no but only because i dont puke when i drink
Have you ever slept in an alley or park : uhh no
Do you wash your hair less than once a week : NOOOOO
Have you ever gone a week without a shower : hell no
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