So a couple of weeks ago we got ourselves a Playstation - PS2, to be exact. Why a PS2, now the PS3's come out? Well, one reason, really - the PS2 is something like a fifth of the price. I picked up a couple of games - Kingdom Hearts 2, and Echo Night: Beyond, then spent most of the last week and a half playing my way through KH2. I ordered
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Arc: Twilight of the Spirits
Haven: Call of the King
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X-2
Dark Cloud
Dark Chronicle
Dragon Quest: The Journey of the Cursed King
Disgaea: Hour of Darkness
Xenosaga: Episode II (We don't have Episode 1, I have no idea why)
Star Ocean: Till the End of Time
Final Fantasy XII (in the rack but as yet unplayed. He is still playing FF XI (online) and has not gotten to FF XII yet)
Remember also that the PS2 has full backward compatibility with PSOne games, so the following are also on the list:
Final Fantasy:Origins
Final Fantasy: Anthology (FFIV & FFV)
Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy IX
So that's all the ones along the similar lines to what you are currently playing. Now of course, there are any number of fun&fluff platformer/adventure-type games that are worth having - if only for the break from the more serious RPG's - such as the full Ratchet & Clank series, most of the Crash Bandicoot series, all of the Spyro the Dragon series, the Jak & Daxter series and the Ape Escape series.
And of course the new Buzz! series of games (plus the controllers) are an absolute hoot. General knowledge, music knowledge, sports knowledge (we don't have and won't get this one) and a kids' version (nor this one, for obvious reasons) are all available - and we have had other friends vowing to get the game and controllers after playing these games (of course now they are having trouble deciding between doing that and getting a Nintendo Wii *grin*)
I'd be happy to lend you any of the platformers (I'll email you a complete list of our PS2 and PSOne - PS2-compatible games later) but I will have to ask himself very nicely to let the Final Fantasy games out of the house (he's finicky like that) and that might take some finagling to do. However, they really ought to become part of your gaming library. GameTraders are a good place to try, but then EB Games are also good - they have a 7 day "love it or return it" guarantee on all games - so if you play it and either hate it or play it through and won't get any extended gameplay out of it, take it back for a full refund (they will try for the store credit thing, but they WILL give a refund). We've taken advantage of that a couple of times - one for lack of gameplay (I finished the game in 4 hours, with no chance of an second go-round) and another game I hated on sight.
Both EB Games and Game Traders will trade pre-loved games on new ones, so sometimes it can be worth scouring the second-hand stores and pawnshops for cheap games, and trading them on a better game (providing you get better credit than the price you paid for the pre-loved ones, of course) - and if you play a game out and have no desire to ever play it again, it too can be traded - and in some cases, they trade hardware (old consoles and hand-helds) for new hardware or games as well...
Oh, and it is often worth picking up extra memory cards, as some of the later games take up a LOT of space on the cards, and some will not even load a game unless you have enough space...
Um, I *think* that's it. *whew!*
Hope that helps somewhat...
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