Written yesterday at work...

Mar 29, 2007 21:19

From http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200703/s1883972.htm

Ruddock not ruling out tougher terrorism laws

Federal Attorney-General Philip Ruddock has left open the possibility of further toughening Australia's counter-terrorism laws.

In an address to the Menzies Research Centre, Mr Ruddock has warned the threat of terrorism remains very real for Australia and aviation facilities could be a target.

Mr Ruddock says he cannot rule out future changes to the nation's counter-terrorism laws.

"Now there are a number of reviews that we have undertaken," he said.

"There may be, arising from those reports, further amendments that are required.

"So I wouldn't want to say there won't be further amendments to counter-terrorism laws, there may well be."


What I want to know is why? Why is there a threat to Australia from terrorism? I mean, it isn't as though we're a big nation, or a huge influence in the region. It isn't as though we've heaps of nuclear weapons. It isn't even as though we're a particularly aggressive lot. We don't have any radical militant groups who are threatening to use force against the government (although that mightn't be such a bad idea, the way things are going). We have a few tourist attractions, and yes, destroying them might just be something of a nuisance. We'd have to rely on the others. Oh damn.

But I really have problems seeing Australia as a legitimate target for terrorists anywhere. Let's be honest - the majority of terrorists when asked whether they considered attacking Australia would probably say "where?". Their next question would probably be something like "why?" if they didn't just burst out laughing.

We aren't significant. I realise this plays at the heart of our national inferiority complex, but it's something which needs to be realised. We aren't significant on a global scale. We're just another small nation with our own ruddy problems, the largest of which is a bad case of post-colonial blues.

Of course, this isn't going to stop our government from trying to impose stricter and stricter controls on us poor unfortunate citizens - all in our own best interests, after all. I mean, if we didn't have Mr Howard and Mr Ruddock to tell us who we should be afraid of, and who we should trust, we might get it all wrong. We might look at the apparent global domination aspirations of the current US Presnit, and think he's the one to be afraid of. We might do something silly, like listening to what people in Iraq and Iran think of the US (and I doubt there are many complimentary opinions in either country) and thinking "gee, y'know, they might be right on that one!" And we couldn't have that, now could we. After all, we have to remember our place: as good little colonial lapdogs, fawning around the ankles of whichever power our so-called leaders have chosen for us as the colonial overlord du jour.

I find myself constantly annoyed by the references to "terrists" that the Howard government decides to throw at the Australian people, as though we were bloody morons. I mean, if it's not "ooh, be scared, be scared, be scared" (of what?) it's "our anti-terrist measures are keeping you safe from mad bombers" (yeah, and the breadcrumbs you're sprinkling on the train tracks are keeping the tigers away; should we be jubilant about that as well?).

the terrists are coming, politics, rants, the crazy years, australia, news

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