Where will you be the day after tomarrow

May 29, 2004 12:08

Lets talk about last night

So last night Gina, Ben, and I went to see "the day after tomarrow." My original motivation to it see was because Jake Gyllenhal and Dennis Quaid are in it, but now after seeing it i'd the motivation to see it is for a good laugh.

Before the movie i picked up Gina at blanchet, cause she can't find her way around seattle.  During or car rid eot meet ben for pizza, I was informed that her horse Pepper had its baby, Stella. Once we got to the pizza place and starte to walk across the street, my car alarm went off, and it toook for ever to turn off.  Ben arrived with a stylish new haircut.  We ate and then went to the movie.....

Paying $10 for that movie was a waste. 1) because it stole a bunch of scenes from other movies (titanic, and vertical limit), 2) the dialouge, shall i say, was awful (ex: "american refugees are being stoper at the boarder . . . the only way they will be allowed in is if the president gets rid of mexico's debt . . ."), and 3) there is no possible way the wolves could have survived!!!

overall it was an eventful evening, the best part was when i got a parking ticket for no FUCKING REASON!!!

lots of luv

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