Aug 31, 2004 23:08
Ach, I can't sleep. So I resort to such depths as turning the computer on again and dialing up to the internet just to make a stupid post stating why I can't sleep. Blah.
I'm somewhat anxious for tomorrow, which is the reason I was tossing in my bed. Reason: pyschological evaluation...I get to take the remainder of the battery of tests on the Entrance phase to my journey to become a rostered diaconal minister with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Yep, pastors, deaconess alike go through the same thing....
I spent a good part of my evening working on my resume that needed updating...gotta find a job in Seattle.
Resume...that reminds me of a time long ago when I was in high school German class (8 years ago, holy shit...) that we made German resumes.
Ahhh, the memories of high school German with the Frau....what an interesting class it was -- and yes, I loved the German, I really mean "interesting" group of people who took the class. One year there was an openly gay guy in there that wore a t-shirt that said, "I dig your boyfriend" -- he was a fun guy. And then there was someone I thought was funny, even drew very clever cartoons for the school newspaper...signed my yearbook with a great cartoon -- he is in jail now for some serious offense, I forget, but it sure was a shock to this community.
yep, good times, good times.
Anyway, having just spent some time updating my resume and reading what's on the up and up of resume writing, I reflect back to writing my German, "Lebenslauf"...
It was handwritten, with picture of me, included my birthdate, mother's madien name, where I went to grade school, and my marital status! (btw, ich bin ledig!)
In other words -- everything OPPOSITE of what Americans want.
Apparently, some things haven't changed, the German resume still is quite opposite of what American employers seek.
Also (grammatisch um dieser Uhr, egal), nach eine kurze Suche im Internet, habe ich ein Beispiel gefunden. So geht's mein Lebenslauf...LOL...(imagine as if two columns existed...)
Name -- Professor Megmeg
Anschrift -- um die Ecke...
Telefon -- 0123/45678
Geburtsdatum -- 12. Juni 1980
Geburtsort -- die Ecke
Eltern -- Kein, ich bin Waisenkind
Schulbildung -- Schule?
Schulabschluss ...
Besondere Kenntnisse -- Das Fehrnseher
Hobbies -- Fersehen, schlafen, was weiss ich...
Berufswunsch -- deine Mutter
Kennewick, WA, 31. August 2004
*handschriftlich unterschreiben*
Professor Megmeg