Nov 12, 2006 11:19
It's raining...again. I spread the secret of Seattle weather to folks I met this summer. Those who aren't familiar with Seattle and the Pacific Nortwest might think of Seattle as merely a place where it "rains a lot." Given the history of recorded weather data, that statement isn't entirely true. It does rain here, but we Seattlites know that we can survive without umbrellas because the "rain" is often no more than mist. The number of days with this mist and blanketing clouds that shun the sunlight are numerous. But Seattle isn't the top of places that get the most rain. However, Washington state does have a rainforest, way up on the penninsula.
Recently, a series of weather systems have moved from Hawaii and drenched us with rain. Lots and lots of rain. So here it is. I've reached my point where, although I still find beauty in the autumn, I'm screaming for blue sky and sunshine.
The winter quarter ends in two weeks from Tuesday (well, for me, only because I don't have finals). And two weeks from today is the Seattle Marathon. Life is good, life is stressful--sometimes I want to crawl into a hole and sometimes I want to jump for joy. I look forward to Thanksgiving because I will have a few days of respite.
Yesterday I was given a positive decision to continue the process the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America calls "candidacy." I've been "endorsed"...whohoo. This means, as I continue in my seminary studies, the Church supports my continued growth along the path. Eventually, when I graduate I will have to meet again with the commitee for "approval". A bishop of one of the synods this summer said he'd prefer candidates not to use the term "hoops", but I'm going to do it anyway: I've just jumped through another hoop. More thoughts to come...although I'm relieved and happy, I also see a difference in how I live out my faith and discernment and the Church body's view on "working toward a goal on vocation."
OK. so more thoughts to come now, not later. Just read my other LJ (when I finish them, of course), if interested.