That's what's up!

Jun 28, 2005 18:48

What is your stand on.....

Created by spyndakitrose and taken 21371 times on bzoink!
Abortion?Don't get me started. Basically I lose A LOT of respect for you if you're pro-choice... murderer... there's NO reason that makes it acceptable.Death Penalty?I've always been torn. I know I'd wanna watch a villian die that did me horribly wrong. Life in prison plus the Lords wrath will possibly do though. ...heh.Prostitution?Whores... what an interesting species. The world would be a better place without them!Alcohol?*Life's candy* ...alcohol results in making lifetime friends!Marijuana?If it's a big part of your life... then you're retarded.Other drugs?My name is Megan, I give big hugs. You're NOT my friend, if you do drugs!Gay marriage?Yay! Gay's make the world go 'round!Illegal immigrants?Super for tryin to get a better life and all... but speak some English and get a fackin job.Smoking?It's okay to take one if it's offered to you sometimes, but if you go to the gas station to buy a pack - then you're just a smelly person that I prolly don't wanna be around.Drunk driving?Naive bitches! I don't care how many times you've done it before and made it home, don't do it again.Cloning?Overall probably not the best thing. We can get into abortion again with this soooo I dunno... I forget my facts.Racism?I know people that say some racist things from time to time, I wish I could stab 'em with a fork and get away with it everytime they said something - ignorant bitches.Premarital sex?Y'all are - ::rolls eyes::. And if you're thinkin "I was in love!"... sure ya were, did u stay together with the first person you did it with?! Prooooobably not.Religion?Makes life better.The war in Iraq?Bad - our people are dyin' and prolly treatin' other people badly. Good - our people volunteered to keep terrorism away.Bush?Poor guy.Downloading music?I wanna download music just to piss off that guy from Metallica!The legal drinking age?Let's start a national test you have to take at 18 to see how responsible you are... if you pass, legal age is 18 for you! Nick and Adam, you don't pass.Porn?Should only be watched with your friends after prom... at Young's house.Suicide?Cut my life into pieces... this is my last resort. Don't kill yourself!! First class trip to hell bitch!
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