Nov 20, 2008 20:06
I've been too tired and in pain to post much. The pain saps what energy and stamina I do manage to build up. Any energy I have for online work goes to my job and at that it's only 5-7 hours a day - luckily I can work weekends and have some time off left for any week I can't make the full 40.
Tomorrow morning I go to Chicago. Friday CAT scans, Saturday see Uncle Martin and Cousin Tommy if I'm up to it, Sunday nothing, Monday doctor and presumably chemo, Tuesday physical therapy and fly home. My parents will be with me, which will be a huge comfort.
I feel bad enough that I would put me in the hospital, but the doctor might not agree. In any case, he needs to do something about this bloat. I don't think I can stand the chemo nausea on top of it. I can barely walk - out of the house I'm using a wheelchair everywhere and even going out of the house is a major effort. The pain and nausea is such that sometimes I'm lying here wondering if I couldn't just die and be done with it. There's no way to tell whether the bloating is from a tumor growing and pressing on something, or in some lymph nodes, or just a side effect of this chemo.
The castor oil packs and vinegar tonic have had no apparent effect, although the vinegar tonic tastes good and helps me get more water. The bloat is all in my abdomen and legs - everything from my chest up is scrawny and even a little dehydrated - and seems to be either all fluid or I suppose it could be a large tumor. And, I'm constantly thirsty.