This sort of thing hasn't happened in this neighborhood before in the four years we've lived here. I hope it continues to be rare!
Last night, about 9:00 or so, we heard what sounded like shots from a "45" - some isolated and then around 15 in a row - apparently coming from the other side of the golf course.
Our crazy, elderly neighbors had moved off that direction a year or two ago and started renting out their old house. First they got a tenant even crazier than they were. Now, there's a very sweet, elderly couple here.
The crazy, elderly guy of our ex-neighbor couple is really insane. He rants at people. He owns guns and threatens people with them, altho' he never actually waved 'em around in public (that we know of). We (and others on the block) have actually had to report him for terrorism - he's that bad. Everybody breathed a huge sigh of relief when they moved out and again when the current tenants moved in. Also, the crazy, elderly gal of our ex-neighbor couple is a dedicated peeping Tom and harasses their tenants unmercifully. We've had to report her, too. Her hobby is using due process to make trouble for people.
sammyd talked to the police about the shots. They weren't sure if it was fireworks or gunshots but were leaning towards gunshots. A little while later, there was some running-around of people in our cul-de-sac. Some police cars stopped at the neighbors' and picked someone up - presumably a guest or relative of the tenants - like for protection or going to make identification, not at all like an arrest.
After that, all became quiet, and at 11:00 pm our neighbor left as usual for work.
The crazy ex-neighbors are the sort of chauvinistic haters who I can believe would let themselves get worked up enough to actually shoot at people. It's scary that there are people like that even in a quiet neighborhood like ours.