Today was a great day.
I have been letting a cold run its course since Wednesday. (It was bound to happen sooner or later- I'm just glad it wasn't something worse like the flu *knocking on wood*) But this morning I woke up and felt better- yey.
I went shopping for a dress this morning *SHOCK!* A rare-ity folks. I found a cute one at Rampage *SHOCK!* Actually, I also got a yellow dress there that I've worn a few times...
On a COMPLETE SIDENOTE, I dropped by a store selling stuff from the Metropolitan Museum of Art. In the back of the store were VHS casettes for the short film The Red Balloon
I remember watching this film as a kid and being totally moved by it. Has anyone else seen it? Anyway... they had it playing in the store and I seriously had floods of memories pouring out from when I'd seen it as a kid. It was weird... in a sentimental kind of way....
Now on to bigger and better things (but not really...)
I wore my "cute" dress to my first bridal shower today! Actually, it's not the first one I've been to... but it's the first one for me (hee hee) It was exciting! About 15 ladies came. We played games, ate food, and I got to catch up with a few old friends. My good friend from high school youth group (Jenna) came. I hadn't seen in her "like" four years so it was good to catch up in person (we've kept in touch through email)- funny how a wedding or other major events in one's life brings people you thought were drifting away closer to you....
The shower was just great! Except for putting 8 pieces of bubble gum in my mouth.... that wasn't so great... But I had fun being "showered"- hee hee. Afterwards, Sarah D. & I watched "Mean Girls" and had pizza- yum! Then we talked about the ups and downs of the teaching profession. It's good to know I'm not the only one going through it all....
Jeff is at the Lebowski Fest tonight. What's a Lebowski Fest? It's like a Star Trek convention only for Big Lebowski fans... I'm dating a Lebowski nerd. [that just cracked me up]
Tomorrow is Easter and I will be dancing for the last time at Epic. boo hoo... I'm not sure I've posted about this yet so for those who do not know (and I know online journals are a lame way of announcing it), Jeff and I are going to be looking for a new church to go to together once we're married. It's just too hard to make one person leave the church they were involved in to start fresh and go to a church where the other is SO involved and SO comfortable. We figured it'd be better to start fresh together- side by side. I'm really sad about leaving Epic, especially with all the exciting new changes... but I think it will be for the best.
On that note....
CONGRATS to two very dear friends, Sara and Roy, who have recently become engaged! Once we're all married, we're taking a trip to wine country come fall... mmmmmm.... wine.....