I got this from another blog site I visit (outside LJ) and thought i would post it here.
1) Name one movie that made you laugh:
There are so many films that make me laugh that it is difficult to pick just one, but the one I remember laughing the most at in recent history is Lilo & Stitch I was literally in stitches watching that film.
Lilo and Stitch Trailer
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2) Name one movie that made you cry:
The Notebook. 'Nuff said. It always makes me cry, and it was the movie that made me realize I had "settled" and that's when I started the process of divorcing my husband. The actual divorce may not have happened till a year or two later, but that film was the "hello" moment.
The Trailer:
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Even watching the trailer can get me.
3) Name one movie you loved when you were a child:
Charlotte's Web. (1972 and I was nine years old) I adored Charlotte and I am the biggest arachnophobe on the planet!
A true friend, and a good writer.
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4) Name one movie you've seen more than once:
So many, again, but I'd have to nominate Edward Scissorhands for this award. It's also been number one on my favorite movies list longer than any other film. Every Christmas, I drag this out and watch it again. The musical score is absolutely haunting, and one I play when I want to write something ethereal and lovely.
Edward Scissorhands Trailer
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5) One movie you loved, but were embarrassed to admit it:
I don't think there is a movie that comes in this category for me. If I love a movie, even if it is considered dorky to love it, I embrace my dorkiness and say I love it.
6) One movie you hated:
Ocean's anything! That is all, goodbye! lol!
8) Name one movie that bored you:
See Question 6
9) Name one movie that made you happy:
My Fair Lady! Audrey Hepburn is love!
My Fair Lady Trailer
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My Fair Lady was released on August 13th 1963, my mother's 26th birthday. I was 12 days old, too young to even be aware of this film, or the Broadway play that inspired it, but I love this film.
Show Me! Audrey's Star Perfomance of the movie
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10) Name one movie that made you miserable:
I can't think of a movie that made me miserable.
11) Name one movie you thought would be great, but it wasn’t:
Eragon. NUFF SAID!
12) Name one movie you weren't brave enough to see:
It has not been released here yet, but I don't think I will be brave enough to see the latest Batman Film. It would seem really odd to me, to watch that, knowing it was the last movie Heath Ledger completed before his death. (not that I have seen any of them anyway). I just can't bring myself to see this.
13) Name one movie character you've fallen in love with:
Edward, in Edward Scissorhands.
How could you not love this character?
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14) Name one pointless remake:
The Stepford Wives. You just can't improve on perfection. I mean, Nicole Kidman? Please.
15) Name your favourite movie of all time:
I bet you can't guess...
Reread and you might get a clue LOL!