Oct 30, 2008 22:49
I am seriously considering joining the local hysterical historical society. Not just considering, actually, I sent them an email this afternoon asking for more details.
I feel that this will be of more interest to me than the local writers' group which I joined, very briefly last year and which I quickly decided that I had outgrown almost as soon as I joined -- not to mention the fact that they all write either general fiction, het romance, or memoirs and I am a lesbian who writes gay and lesbian fiction!
The Historical Society runs a museum, and bookstore and I can get half price membership if I volunteer the equivalent of one day each month to help out with stuff. I'm so there!
Also, I am thinking of enrolling with the Open Learning University next semester to do a course called "The Making of Australia"
This is the course outline:
Learn about the arrival of European settlers in Australia. You will examine the destruction of Aboriginal Australia. Then explore the new society, the transformation of the invisible baggage of eighteenth century Britain and the beginnings of Australian nationalism. The unit will examine the dominance of materialism in the early years of settlement, society, migration and the end of the convict era. You will study the impact of the discovery of gold, which brought with it riches, poverty and the middle classes. You will develop an understanding of the early colonial period through to the mid nineteenth century, including economic, social and political themes of the period and have a clear picture of the development of early Australia.
I can so see myself lapping this up! I've been so bored lately, for the first time since I was forced to quit the workforce. The fact that I can do this course online, from home means I can work around my disabilities.
I'm thinking this will give me something to think about, and coupled with the Historical Society thing will get me out of the house a little too.
All good things!
educating meg,
historical society