Dec 18, 2004 17:52
Stolen from Caroline. Here they are...the Top Twenty Quotes of 1st Semester @ Gettysburg College.
20. "would your hmm hmm like an order of fries?" -Sex and the City, thus making "hmm hmm" a basic part of our vocabulary
19. "We want to be in the land of smiley faces, stars, and maybe a ying yang!" -me giving a lesson in the seminar room at 1 AM
18. "This tastes like a doctor's office smells" -Sketch commenting on the BAD vodka
17. "boob, boob, armpit, armpit, boob, armpit, boob, etc..." -me and Meg teaching anatomy
16. "Can I take this ball with me?" -my response to "you're going to hell" after having a lot of red dye and being fascinated by a nerf football
15. "Rob picked up his girlfriend at an elementary school- yeah, ten years old!" -Zach, needs no explaination
14. "It was like molestation of the mouth!" -commentary on SAE and later, commentary on my experience at Crow
13. "Let's turn off the lights and do animals!" -Meg, and she meant SHADOW animals
12. "My BFF has three nipples!" -Meg about Sketch, and yes, it's true
11. "If you really like a girl and want to spend nine months with her, get her knocked up" -Sketch in his infinite wisdom
10. "This is my school family! I found them, all by myself" -me in a Stitch voice before Thanksgiving dinner
9. "The coke is stuck in my nostril!" -Sketch, drinking Coke in Servo
8. "Sucks to be you!" -Meg to me, as my date to the ball got high before we left
7. "Does platonic mean sex?" -Dave inquiring about his platonic BFF relationship
6. "It's the Darkness, we gotsta dance!" -Rob to a girl at Sig Nu(EDIT: Rob pointed out that this occured at ATO, not Sig Nu), she didnt dance.
5. "Where's my fecking cell phone???" -Zach, staggering around a field the night we met
4. "I'd so have sex with you for chocolate!" -Meg to Tom, very very drunk
3. "I'd rather spend time with him than ravage a chicken!" -me, now that's dedication
2. "my life's work!" -Sketch, after drunk Tracy through his books all over the room
1. "i just saw my virginity flash before my eyes!" -Meg, but it speaks for us all