Dec 12, 2004 19:04
So I totally am done with my paper, done with making my study guides for Marjorie (now I just have to keep going over them) and tomorrow I'm supposed to have a study session for Philosophy....which reminds me I have to email Jeffrey Putman and tell him I have a study session at 10:10 to wheneverish. ARG. Hopefully I'll be able to figure out all the housing stuff. because not knowing whats going on is making me all hivey and nervous. and I hate hivey nervousness.
Apparantly my family got their trees today. and I missed it *snaps* darn. Actually that is one part of christmas I do like. and Beth informed me that she Abby Dad and I are singing a quartet for christmas? great. Way to inform the out of stater. and they don't even know what we are singing yet. double great. and I have to get people gifts. haven't really done that yet. BLAH. and I have NO money. so poor oh well.
More and more I realize how much I hate it here. I can't wait till I transfer and leave. Speaking of leaveage...what is up with you Jay? Whats all this hoohah about University of New Mexico. I hope you fix your phone battery because I'm going to call you and harrass you about this. Because I know if I don't I'll never get a goldarn answer. or just im you to death
so basically I guess thats all. very sick. I think from nerves. hoping it goes away. maybe its a combo of unhappiness sick and stress sick. you know its a known fact that when you are unhappy you feel like shit all the time. sad people are sicker. and like I really need sad sickliness on top of my own natural diseasedness. I can't wait till I get home and get happy. I miss the people I love. I need a hug from home.