May 28, 2009 22:13
Just wanted to get this out because it's trivial but it still pisses me off:
I pay fifteen dollars a month to play World of Warcraft. I love the game, it's a great way to waste time. HOWEVER:
Last month my account was hacked into. I couldn't log on for over 24 hours, and when I did log on all the stuff on my main character was gone (a ton of quest items, and over 2000 gold which was being saved for an epic flying mount). So after a couple days I contact a Game Master (GM) and put in a ticket. I get my stuff back, all is dandy. I go to log in tonight, and it's telling me my password/user name isn't correctly spelled. So I go to the website, and it says the same thing. I do their password recovery thing and get it reset so I can change it. I change it, go to log into the game and it doesn't work. I CAN log into the website however. It says it could take about an hour for the change to reflect in-game, so I wait. And three hours later it still doesn't work. So I change my password AGAIN and it still doesn't fucking work! >:O So I have to call customer service tomorrow, tell them they're all a bunch of fuckheads and to fix this stupid issue they're having. I've been playing for a couple years now, and had NO PROBLEMS until NOW! What the fuck! Goddamn you Blizzard! You and your addicting games and sudden problems! Guh.
world of warcraft,