Title: Curses
Fandom: X-Men, Convergence ‘verse
Characters: Inez, Anna-Lucia and Julio Richter and Gaveedra Russell.
Word Count: Unknown
Rating: G.
Summary: Rictor and Shatterstar have been turned into cats.
Author's Notes: I have no idea if Hela has the ability to change people into other things. I've decided to make this a part of my au.
Inez looks up from where she's spread out on her stomach in front of the open fireplace doing her homework and catches sight of them curled up together in the large, soft chair. The little girl smiles to herself from under her long unruly hair when she sees the way the two cats nuzzle at each other sleepily.
She tilts her head to the side and taps at her bottom lip with the rubber ended pencil, assessing. A bright smile crosses her face and she rolls quickly to her feet, aware in the corner of her eye the way they start when she does this and she dashes from the room, giggling softly to herself. She grabs a bundle of fabric from her dresser draw and runs back into the lounge room, slips on the wooden floor of the hall because of her woolen socks then rights herself, walking at a slower pace so Anna doesn't yell at her (her sister came to look after her when... well) until she's back on the rug in front of the fire.
She giggles as she deposits her load and her small frame in front of the plush chair the two (very alert cats) are sitting on and they watch her with a curious look that makes her giggle harder as she fiddles with the fabric just out of their sight. The two cats share a look at each other before turning their attention back to her. She giggles as she reaches out to the dark brown cat and she ever so gently wraps a bright green fabric around it's neck. Inez shushes the cat when it jerks it's head slightly at her movements with a familiar look on it's furry face.
"What are you doing 'Nez?" Inez jerks her body to the left to look up at her older sister where she leans around the wall to the kitchen, looking at the little girl with a quizical smile. Inez reaches down to pick up the collar at her feet and shows the black and red band to the woman with wide eyes.
"Grama gave me these last week," she says in explination. A grin spreads across the young womans face and she gives her little sister a sloppy salute.
"As you were, Soldier." Anna-Lucia shakes her head and laughs softly as she retreats back to the kitchen to finish making their dinner.
Inez smiles when the tabby butts at her hand gently and she wraps the black and red color collar around it's neck. She watches the way their tales curl together and giggles softly to herself.
Even as cats she can read her parents like a book, whole conversations spread out in a single gesture that she can read almost as well, if not better than Doug Ramsey himself. Dad is amused despite himself and Papi is smug, a look on his cat face much more at home on his own.
Inez smiles up at Anna when she comes over and sits next to them with a tray of food and milk for the "cats".
"Man," Anna looks at the two of them for a long moment before shaking her head, laughs low in her throat and winks at Inez. "I really can't wait until this curse is lifted."
Inez giggles softly to herself and eats.