Help, I'm in love again with pixels again! :x
This is my Hunter, Ledai. She is gorgeous and will shoot you full of arrows.
I have about a million zillion screenshots of her flying around on the Pegasus because PEGASUS YOU GUYS OMG.
They're the main method of transportation from one large area to another. They cost money to use, but I'm not above throwing coins at a chance to RIDE A FLYING PONY. :D
I know. She's in short-shorts. Rowr. There's even heeled boots to match. XD
Silly for an "adventuring" class like a Hunter, but I love it just the same.
She sits side-saddle. BECAUSE SHE IS A LADY.
This is an amazingly pretty game, and it was pretty easy to pick up. A lot easier than Aion, anyway.
Argh, too many games. I still need to work on Star Wars, too. *_* I started a character but I haven't been back to play her much. I didn't really have time to focus on learning the game when I started it (was before work one morning...what was I thinking?) so I'll probably just start all over again.
Also last night Monica and I started playing
Scarlet Blade, or as I have affectionately nick-named it "Ass'n'Titties". It's gotten a lot of attention for being ridiculously over-sexualized, but it's done to the point of being HIGHLY COMICAL. It is HYSTERICAL how much boobs there are. Nipples everywhere. My gods.
But it' Like, really enjoyable. We had a great time playing together once we figured out how the party system worked (thankfully it was very similar to Guild Wars 2).
Just to give you an idea, these were our first characters. The pink-haired girl is mine. Her class is, I kid you not, "The Whipper". Guess what her weapon of choice is. XD Monica was playing a Punisher (I think? Whatever, she fights with a BIG GIANT GUN). And THIS IS THEIR ARMOR. RIGHT. ARMOR.
Anyway. So that happened.
I've got some more GW2 screenies to post as well. I've been playing my Asura Elementalist again, and she's just so darn cute. ^_^