I somehow managed to slightly impale my thigh with a chunk of glass today. I'm fine, it's not bleeding anymore. It was just...stupid, especially on top of all of the injuries I get at Stein Mart on a daily basis. :\ Mrf.
Also? How did I not know that this mash-up existed until today?!
The Beatles vs. Nine Inch Nails - Come Closer Together.
Just refresh the page if the pics are being stubborn. >:\
Sebek Aradia, twin of my favorite girl :3
Siren's brother has been seeing a bit of playtime again!
He made friends with a yak. He named the yak Fluffymuffkins and tried to feed it ale.
...yeah, he's not really all that welcome in Yak's Bend anymore...
Bah, that's cool. More ale for me!
Whoops, kinda died.
Posing with Monica's monk, Magdiana.
He has such a wicked crush on her...and he kind wants to smack her bald head because YOU JUST KNOW it'll make that awesome bald-head-smacking sound!
Rockin' out in the snow!
I finally got him down to Lion's Arch so I could get to the quests from the Bonus Mission Pack and get him his pretty new Undead Staff. :D
He also briefly popped over to Elona to see why exactly his sister was so gaga for the place. He still doesn't get it. Siren told him to just wait until he sees the Bone Palace.
And some SEXY new armor!
Did a bit of vanquishing in Vabbi last night.
She looks kind of...soft and cuddly in this screenie. o.o It's cute! ^_^
Well hello there mister and/or missus Harpy!
I seem to have killed you. Ah, good for me.
Now only 8,000 rep points to go until I have the max Lightbringer title...
She's so full of attitude. XD
I'm telling you, she secretly LOVES the floating gardens. Don't let her pissy stance fool ya. She's just embarrassed that we caught her enjoying the scenery.
I can't blame her, because DAMN Elona is pretty!
During her travels she found a Dervish who forgot his skirt. :o
Mmm, looking creepy in the Desolation.
She's perfectly at home in the realm of Torment. Seriously. She looks almost chipper!
Well, that's enough of Elona for now. How about heading home to Tyria?
She got all moody and pensive in Gadd's Encampment...I think it was the drizzly rain...
Pulling mobs away from each other in the Bloodstone Caves.
I was testing out a Blood Magic build, so you get to see her little-used Profane armor that's set up for Blood work. I'm just not that comfortable playing party support, usually. I'd rather hex my way through the game!
Of course she stopped by Shing Jea Monastery for the festivities!
It got old pretty quick, though.
Pepper being Pepper
My pretty pretty lady was farming me a crapload of cupcakes during the birthday event.
You really shouldn't mess with a girl who can spin huge chunks of obsidian rock at you...
Of course I DID also take her to the Dragon Arena. I did promise, after all.
She looks great in sunglasses and leather'n'lace. >:]
I'm still quite pleased with her Primeval armor set. :3
And the lighting in our new guild hall makes her look FABULOUS.
She also looks good in Glint's pretty underground crystal cavern.
Farming Destroyers is AWESOMELY FUN but it's also reeeeeally slow. :\ MOMMY NEEDS DESTROYER CORES!!!
Other Ladies!
Dede has been spending a lot of time with the Luxons.
She likes the Jade Sea almost as much as Siren does. It's just beautiful.
And it's all about the giant turtles, baby.
Jaenelle enjoyed the festival games as well.
Any excuse to show off that PRETTY dress is okay by her. ;)
While Pepper was farming she picked up a sword that was TOO PERFECT for miss Malla.
Earth damage, nearly-perfect enchanting, inscription slot? Woo, guess which little meleemancer has a new caster sword?! :D I'll have to adjust the mods a lil bit (I've got a perfect enchanting mod somewhere in storage...) but she loves it.