Awesome Practical and Responsible Things I Did Today:
1. Cleaned out my car. Ouch. That needed to happen.
2. Cleaned the kitchen. It smells like Clorox, which Monica says smells like a public swimming pool.
3. Sent off some checks for to pay the bills with.
4. Took out trash, vacuumed, etc.
Silly Fun Things That Made Me Smile
1. Another new character in GW (you knew that would be in here somewhere XD)
2. Wore purple Halloween socks.
3. Shamelessly sang Katy Perry karaoke to my cat.
4. Nummy apple cider spice tea!
If you guys haven't found The Key Of Awesome suck. :P
This one is hands-down my favorite.
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*raises hand* ...I'll date you, Dracula!
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