Been spending some time in the Jade Sea lately, hunting down bosses and such.
Siren likes the dead things encased in the frozen water. She thinks they're pretty.
Look at that one! It's bigger than I am!
Did some more vanquishing in Vabbi. She smacked a frogman in the face. :3 I lol'd.
Abaddon's Gate was the Zaishen Mission, so I loaded up some heroes and henchmen and decided to go kick to former god's butt again for funsies.
Ooooh spooky lighting.
Yep. Less than 10 minutes with NPC AI at my side. I'm awesome.
Okay, so this mission isn't actually very hard at all, but I'm going to brag because I beat up a GOD in less than 10 minutes. It just sounds cool!
Ta-da! Back out to the Throne of Secrets for pretty backdrops. :D Yay! I win the game!
And my newly acquired Lightbringer rank.
Also, Siren is an undead puppy.
I said it.
I picked a freaking Twi-side.
>.< I am so ashamed of myself right now...
So, to take your minds off that frightening revelation about me...
Have a look at how the Addams Family kids like their Thanksgiving musicals!
Click to view
My GOD I love Wednesday. XD
The camp outcasts WILL set fire to your set. :3
I just wish they'd added in the part with the roasting the directors on a spit. XD