This is something I have known for YEARS.
Hellz yeah I watched Star Trek IV with my Daddy ages ago. :D
Went good with the Capri Sun and gummi snacks, dontchaknow.
>_> I was such a sci-fi kid sometimes.
And I STILL want a damn tribble.
Y'all new kids are missing out if you don't go old school. ^_^
Adventure Games
Jonathan Boakes posted a new entry in his blog. He hinted strongly that miss Matilda Fly would definitely have a role in the upcoming Dark Fall III: Lost Souls game. *SQUEESQUEESQUEE* He also pimped out fellow awesome game designer Matt Clark's
Barrow Hill Radio site. I have nothing but hearts for those two incredibly talented and spooky men. :) And I'VE GOT THE SECOND HIGHEST SCORE ON THE POSTCARD JIGSAW PUZZLE! I BEAT JONATHAN'S SCORE, WOO!
Guild Wars
Pepper's all kinds of Ascended and Infused.
DAMN. She rocks. :D
Pepper likes the Shiverpeaks so much she's planning on getting herself a home there. Nothing special, just a little cottage in a dwarven settlement. A nice warm fire and snowball fights and chilly moonlit nights. Aaaaah...
I spoiled her with some new armor, too. 5K Stormforged is really pretty, even if she's much more with the fireballs than the lightning strikes. Dyed as pink as I could get it. I could have just infused her Shing Jea armor, or even her mis-matched Ancient/Iceforged mix, girl wanted a new outfit just for Mursaat killing. ^_^
I think she's getting impatient about all the picture-taking. I'm like that annoying parent who forces the cranky teenagers into smiling constantly for the camera. 8D
Three missions away from beating Prophecies!!!
Absolutely MASSIVE sale happening this weekend. I swear, half of my department is at least 30% off, some of it 50%.
Now...why are there sales like this in the Ladies' dept. for Father's Day???
Who cares? I have Sunday off! ^_^