Escort Missions - A Rant

Jun 04, 2009 09:45


Seriously. Keeping people alive while trying not to die yourself...ugh. >.o
Anyone else thinking of Fable? That goddamn whiny kid that was impossible to keep out of trouble? Or the traders you have to lead through the swamp? Jesus ( Read more... )

games, rant, guild wars, gaming

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Comments 15

bonnjie June 4 2009, 20:00:43 UTC
This asian kid came into work, and he had this fucking crazy ass shit skateboard. It was like an 8, cut into two and stuck onto a metal rod, and to get it to move he wiggled it around. I was so impressed.

Skating is the new walking, apparently.


meghann_vampy June 5 2009, 02:24:07 UTC So, basic motor skills aren't required if you have wheels, I guess. XD


bonnjie June 5 2009, 20:10:58 UTC
No way! It was mean cool.


meghann_vampy June 6 2009, 03:35:39 UTC
Maybe I'm just old and bitter. >_> I had a skateboard once. It was super-short and neon orange. Don't know what happened to it, though.


writer_deuce June 5 2009, 02:35:21 UTC
Why are the people who you escort are always dumber than a pile of shit? Like they don't have the common sense to, I don't know, STAY BEHIND THE ESCORT?! If something was out there that could hurt me and I was with a person who had weapons or magic or whatever, I'm staying the fuck with the escort. The escort will have to tell me to stop breathing on his/her neck because I'm that fucking close. Idiots.

I love Koss's hair. It's a trapazoid afro. Trapafro? That just sounds like things get caught in it. ^_^ Regardless he looks like one bad muther--shut yo mouth! I'm just talkin' 'bout Koss. Does he have killer dance moves?

Oh. I see. men get REAL armor that actually PROTECTS, but women get bikinis. This game is totally sexist. I quit. Yes, I know I don't play it. I still quit.


meghann_vampy June 5 2009, 14:53:12 UTC
Or even if they could program the AI so that when the enemy hits them they, I don't know, RUN? Scatter? Vamoose? >.o It's just painful and no fun at all.

XD People actually complained that they couldn't make heroes with hair as epic as that on the head of Koss. I mean, it is EPIC. ^_^

To be fair, though most of the men's armor is butt-ugly. At least the girls are nice to look at. Which, honestly, is why I almost never play with Jake. Same damn skill set as his baby sister, but he's just no fun to look at. >_> I know, I'm a shallow whore sometimes.


writer_deuce June 5 2009, 23:14:45 UTC
No! Don't run into the...fuck. FUCK!

If everybody had epic Koss-fro, then the game would explode. That's why it can't be done. So there! *snorts* I just had a really stupid thought. You should photoshop one of your characters to have Koss-fro. Do know you want to...

Yeah, the women are more interesting to look at, and their "armor" is pretty. Could a man work that Vabbian armor? No. No he couldn't.


meghann_vampy June 6 2009, 03:34:31 UTC
XD Pepper would look bitch'n with a Koss-fro.


writer_deuce June 5 2009, 02:45:45 UTC
Actually, I kind of like slider puzzles...when I'm in a good mood and patient.


meghann_vampy June 5 2009, 14:53:26 UTC know, you would. :P


writer_deuce June 5 2009, 23:11:21 UTC


sativadivinorum June 5 2009, 12:23:36 UTC
But bikinis can be brutal too! I think. O.o

Ahaha, Goren is such a boob. And your bikini does nothing to protect him! Nothing! Sometimes if you talk to the ally who's going all drunken kamikaze style before battle they'll stop following you for a minute and you can flag some healers back for them. Then again, sometimes not. I'm not sure if it's a specific allies only effect or if it even works in NF, but I know that in a few Proph missions it makes not getting a chance to eat their brains much easier.

Glad you got out and had some fun, I've been MIA for a couple days again because I've just been trying to do other things. Tree keeps bugging me because I keep calling the office room "The Cage". @.@

Jobs! Call me back!


sativadivinorum June 5 2009, 12:56:47 UTC
Wait, any particular 16 year old asshole or just a 16 year old asshole?


meghann_vampy June 5 2009, 14:57:38 UTC
Oh, yes, a particular asshole. Seriously, I was screaming "BI-POLAR MUCH?" by the end of it. The first part of the conversation was great, talking about KOTOR and stuff, and then he flipped and started attacking you. XD It was reeeeeally pathetic.


meghann_vampy June 5 2009, 14:56:32 UTC
Yeah, that was pretty much my strategy with the Ghostly Hero in the crystal desert (and yet I've still only completed one of the damn ascension quests XD). Unfortunately Goren's pretty much stuck on Band-Aid brand you like glue. But meh, I won. Now I'll just have to do it two more times for my NF girls...

You'll get a job! It just takes a ridiculously scary amount of patience. o.o Job hunting last summer was no fun at all. I'm not sure I want to know how bad it is now... *crosses fingers for you*


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