Feb 11, 2006 22:45
Again bored at work. this is actually my last permanent day at J.jill. wow. I can't believe it! In about, two hours i will be set free from this place! well.........except for the few on call shifts I agreed to do. haha. see, one of the girls here is getting fired and so my G.M pretty much begged me to cover her shifts so she can give her ass the boot. No one wants me to leave here, but Im fucking ready. Its time to move on.
anyway, wow, looking at some of my past entries, its been so long all i can say is ive changed so much i can't even begin to describe.
My life is entirely different. ;)
hmm, so what can i tell you about my life and recent/upcoming events.........
it's Jordan's 22nd birthday tomorrow! Hes not that excited about it but i am! Im making him cupcakes and taking him out to a surprise dinner and movie! yay! ;)
Cancun is now officially less than two months away. Im seriously going to piss myself once were there. Ky and I are going to be beligerantly drunk on the beach every fucking night and its going to be amazing! I just can't believe its actually happening. The agency were going through tho sucks balls! NEVER EVER GO THROUGH TRAVELCOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they are a bunch of FUCKTARDS! yea thats right FUCKTARDS!!!! I swear these people are so bad at customer service they barely even know how to say hi on the phone without offending you. haha! oh well, at least were still going and shit is finally getting sorted out.
I havent' seen moriah in like two weeks and i miss her ass so much! I talked to her last night, but its just so hard to meet up when she lives all the way in lake oswego. I can't wait till she moves closer!
hmm what else....OH YEA!!!!!!!!!, as oppossed to Jordan, Im excited about my birthday which is coming up! on the 28th. I'll be the big 20..so watch out now! lol.
Something recently that happened I guess I can tell you is that Kim and I met up. Wow, I guess the only word to describe that reunion is refreshing yet sad. It was really good to see her b/c I see a certain reflection of me when I see her. Thats something that even when im old and gray I don't think will ever go away. Were civil now and that makes my heart feel so much better. And whole. No matter all the awful ruthless and nasty things we have done to eachother, we will always have a loving bond that I honestly don't think will ever be able be broken b/c our lives were so intertwined in our childhood.......its inevitable. I miss her and hope she is doing better. I know her, and just hope her heart feels at least somewhat full at this point in her life. Lonliness is too easy to come by these days.
well, on a quite different note, something recent ive done to my physical appearance is I got hair extentions! crazy huh? lol. my hair is now past the middle of my back and I'm freaking stoked! I love it. Soon I'll post some pics on my myspace of it. which is also Meghaneve for those of you who actually look at this...if ya didn't know.
well, besides the stress of looking for a new job and being on the verge of seriously broke, life is going pretty good. I haven't talked to Andrew in a while. which is probably a good thing, I told josh the only reason i even still hang out with him is b/c i like to hang out with his friends and deb, his roomate, shes awesome. but yea, andrew is honestly one of the weirdest individuals I have ever met. thats not an understatement. Oh well, he's fun to go bar hopping with in SouthEast P Town! haha, some good memories there. Playing Pool drunk in a dive bar is something I definitely won't forget Andrew for. Hes my little rocker guy, he actually knows the guys from panic at the disco...one of my fav bands and toured with Boys night out! another one of my fav bands. I just can't get over that. Hes a spoiled little bitch tho...lol. But I guess thats whats to be expected from a boy who grew up in Orange County and has insanley rich parents. I once called him a spoiled little bitch..haha..but needless to say, that pissed hime off and he wasn't to happy with me for a little while...woopsy. ;) ahh, well thats enough about Andrdew. But I will say he's defintitely a little adventure in my life I wont forget for a long time.
Emo Josh is still deeply and miserably in love with me. Even after all this time he still sends me messages about how he misses me and looks back on our memories we shared all the time. I still can't believe I got someone to fall that hard for me. But the chemistry just isn't there for me. Hes an awesome friend though? lol.
but no, he seriously is a good guy, were suppossed to hang out this weekend.
well, thats i guess sort of my life in a nutshell as of now. If I dont' get back to you again or for another immensly long period of time,another future update is I'm going to Florida with Ky this summer. It's the second part of our vacation package through travelcom...cough-fucktards-cough. ....but should still be fun none the less. :) Also hopefully by this summer I will have completley kicked my smoking habit out of the water. I really need to quit...like really. :(
well thanks for helping the time go by faster here at good old j.jill.I don't know what it is about tonight but the times is literally going by like snails!!!!!! uggghh! Im ready to leave cuz after work I'm meeting up with dani pie and ky and a bunch of our other friends, were gonna get wasted and go cosmic bowling in Forest Grove. damn i haven't been bowling in ages. Im actually kind of excited, and playing drunk should be quite the experience. Somehow it doesn't seem right to be way drunk and hold incredibly heavy balls. haha! It's my last night @ work like i said earlier, and Im closing with Angela, I am going to miss her. Shes fucking awesome. Jamie and I hang out outside of work so i don't have to worry about missing her. I love that crazy red head to death! her and I actually went to the montage like five days ago...good times yo...good times.
okay, well,thanks for listening.......:) :) :) :) :)
alrighty, well, Maybe I'll talk to you later if not sooner! ;)