I'm now cyber-straddling

Mar 03, 2004 14:42

Ignore that first entry. For others ease (that sounds a bit dirty, doesn't it?), I'm going to post the same stuff here as over at Blurty - at least, that's my intention.

So, here's my Blurty entry from yesterday:

I'm currently in my third semester (well, technically second, but I had a full semester of pre-reqs before I was accepted) of grad school studying to be an MFT (master of science in counseling, marriage & family therapy specialty) - and I'm not so sure it's for me. No... it's really not for me.

I've been putting my soul on the shelf for the past couple years and doing what I think I should be doing. You know, getting my masters and establishing a "real" job for the future. Unfortunately, It's been making me so unhappy I don't think I can do it anymore.

At heart, I'm a performer... and damnit, I'm good at it! So, I'm going to try to get back out there and suck up what I hate about the entertainment industry. I am, however, going to finish the semester out and try to get straight A's in the process. Am I making a mistake here? [/this is where you tell me "No... you have to follow your heart! You're doing the right thing"] Ah... they say that if you love performing, but you can do anything else as a career to make you happy, then do it. I don't think I can do anything else and be happy.

On a brighter note, I just started my own pet sitting business (www.doggie-style.net) and I love it! I can't think of a way to make "get by" money than by doing this. Now I just have to tell my 'rents that I'm not going back to grad school next fall... and that's not something I'm looking forward to.

To be continued...
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