"and i'll keep reminding, if it's the only thing i ever do: i will always love you."

Oct 18, 2005 22:05

before i go to bed, i should update one more time today:

i visited SUNY Puchase yesterday with tommy and jeffrey. the school was TERRIBLE. well no, it was gorgeous and really nice but too hard to get into and didn't even have musical theatre. so it was great but not what i'm looking for. on the upside, i spent the whole day with the love of my life and the ever-lovely tommy buckley. we spent some time in the city and jeff wore the blazer i love so much, he floors me sometimes. there are moments where there isn't a person in the world who annoys me or makes me more upset than him, but then there are moments when i can't imagine loving anyone more than i love him. it's amazing and the definition of a love/hate relationship. (more love from me and more hate from him i think.) ;)

what else...

oh, i went to my first hardcore show saturday night. i watched serious moshing, both by my boyfriend and other crazy bitches. i have a new found respect for guys who pay a cover charge to have their ass beat. jeff's a scraper, or at least that's what my dad says. i mean, who else has his nose broken at a hatebreed concert by being kicked in the face? nobody. well, actually, i'm sure he's not the first, but he's definitely my favorite. :) they thought i was 21 too! fuck yeah, i sat at the bar... and had a sip of jeff's water. lol hey whatever, i was in there, i got past secruity, and i felt like a big girl.

hmmm, well last night was ridiculous... well ridiculous, and wonderful, and awkward, and terrible, and absolutely life-chainging. that's the stuff love is made of. he could be the biggest asshole in the world to me and if he can promise nights like that to me for as long as he can, i'll stick around through thick and thin. i would anyway, but that's just the cream between the cookies, ya know?

and i mean that in dirtiest fucking way possible people.

synopsis: SUNY is not for me, but it's not the end of the world; hardcore is not so bad (and niether is ultimate fighting); I <3 NY; i fucking love jeffrey.
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