I had a lovely evening with this bloke.
http://www.youtube.com/user/StaccatoArt#p/a/u/1/GKumD4m-Cv8 http://www.staccato-art.co.uk/HOME_FRAME.htm I really liked him, but I'm determined not to jump in feet first just because we have so much in common. I've made that mistake before. First impressions are good, he seems as keen as me, and says he'll ring tomorrow evening, but I'm definitely going to take this slowly and get to know him before I contemplate a relationship.
In other news, I had an email 'conversation' with my ex. I did try not to email him, and I held out for four days, but late last night I sent this, titled Update. Pardon my bad grammar. I was slightly stressed, but completely sober.
"I know what you did. I found the evidence on my hard drive. You complete and utter contemptible piece of shit."
He replied this morning with
"i did nothing wrong
you have a serious case of not being able to let something go after it has obviously finished"
So I fired off a reply at 11am
"You have an odd idea about what is wrong. You made a serious and calculated attempt to find someone new, and when you did, you dumped me. The whole first half of 2009 was a tissue of lies, and you continued to lie to me up until I broke off contact in April of this year.
As I said, complete and utter piece of shit.
Don't worry though, I won't tell (internet girlfriend). I would dearly like you to leave Norwich and not come back.
Your kids will find out though. I'm not keeping it a secret."
It is now 1am. There has been no reply.
Can we say pwned?