Homecoming was awesome! First we all met at the Burgio's house for pics... Brooke and Jamie House didn't show up though, and Rob was late.. in his flipflops.
so i heard about the drama! glad you feel better...is my sister talking to ya'll im so confuuuuuzzzzeeeddddd....not cool.....oh and btw you so owe me a hang out night!!!! AH well rather its your daddy's fault but nontheless! CAAALLLL me! <33
oh my goodness girl, i don't know what happened that night to be honest. i don't know if she is, i really hope she isn't mad at me, i feel so bad about everything. but we definitely are going to hang out very soon chic!!! *mwah*
oh my gosh, , she is sooo mad at me!! She wouldn't even smile at me in the hall. I don't know what to do! She's never been mad at me before. I love Liza!! :-( But yes, i'll try callin you today!
yup shes mad at ya'll just give her room and she'll mellow out...whatever u do dont suck up to her or be a bitch just be chill and she'll get over herself...i love her an all but it happens sometimes...yeah....so you like that charta sacra i gave you?
omigosh bunzie you are way too sweet...so hey have any leads on who can escort me to holiday? (its a formal ball that your invited to and if u wanna bring a date cause i need one too...so there)
But yes, i'll try callin you today!
yeah, it should be called the Bible, cause it's amazing.,.....
like you :-)
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